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Ice Core

An ice core is a tube of ice that has been removed from a glacier or ice sheet in order to study historical climate patterns.


Incineration refers to a treatment technology that involves the destruction of waste by controlled burning at high temperatures. An example of this is the burning of sludge to remove water and reduce any remaining residues to a safe, non-flammable ash that can be safely disposed of in water, land or underground.

Indigenous Plants

Indigenous plants are native plants that are naturally found in a particular region. When planting Australian natives it is best to choose plants indigenous to your area as this will help to preserve local plant species and native wildlife.

Indoor Air

Indoor air refers to the breathable air inside a habitable structure or area. 

Pollution of air indoors may be caused by chemical, physical, or biological contamination. Air contaminants are present inside homes and buildings, and indoor air pollution is responsible for many human health problems.

Indoor Climate

Indoor climate refers to the temperature, humidity, light, air flow and noise levels in a habitable structure or area. The indoor climate may have an effect on indoor air pollution.

Industrial Waste

Industrial waste refers to unwanted materials from an industrial operation. This waste may be liquid, sludge, solid, or hazardous materials.

Industrialised Countries

Industrialised countries are nations whose economies are largely based on manufacturing and the conversion of raw materials into products and services. These countries are primarily located in the northern and western hemispheres. 

Infectious Waste

Infectious waste refers to hazardous waste capable of causing infections in humans.  This includes contaminated animal waste, human blood and blood products, pathological waste, and discarded sharps from medical treatment.

Innovation in Energy Consumption - Self Certified - Sustainability Credential

Innovation in Energy Consumption is a sustainability credential that an trader might claim.

Supporting sustainable innovation in energy matters. Traders who develop and offer innovative products or solutions that are genuinely sustainable advancements can claim this credential. While not every innovation is necessarily 100% sustainable, advancements do count for both better products, new benchmarks and furthering systemic opportunity.

Inorganic Mulch

Inorganic mulch refers to inorganic (non-living) materials that are used to protect soil. This includes materials such as plastic, ground rubber, gravel, pebbles and crushed stone.


Insecticide is a pesticide or chemical specifically used to kill or prevent growth in insects.


Insulation refers to a materials ability to prevent the transfer of heat.  Good insulation helps prevent heat entering or leaving a building, therefore reducing the need for air-conditioning or heating. As more insulation is installed, more comfort (heating and sound) is created, and operating costs are reduced. Insulation is commonly used in roof and wall cavities, but it can also be installed under floors and attached to the interior or exterior of walls.

Integrated Design

Integrated design is an engineering and architectural concept that considers many aspects of a building project to optimise energy use and sustainability, while minimising the buildings environmental impact.

Integrated Waste Management

Integrated waste management refers to the variety of methods used to handle solid waste safely and effectively. This may include source reduction, recycling, incineration, and landfilling.

Intergenerational Equity

Intergenerational equity refers to equity of people in different generations, and the idea of enabling future generations to meet their needs by protecting the environment in the present.

Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

The Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPSS) was established in 1988 by the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organisation.  The IPSS  and is the peer body on climate change and associated methodology.

Intragenerational Equity

Intergenerational equity refers to equity of people in the same generation.


The term invasive refers to an introduced (non-native) plant or animal that disrupts a local ecosystem. Invasive species often create environmental problems as they may not have any natural predators or pests in their new environment to keep their numbers at a sustainable level.


An ionizer is a device that attracts airborne particles such as smoke, dust and other allergens through the generation of negative electrical charges.  These particles are then trapped, cleaning the air and improving the indoor air quality.


Irrigation refers to the application of water or wastewater to a land area, to provide water and nutritional needs for plants.