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Garbage Collectors in Turkey Start a Library

Garbage Collectors in Turkey Start a Library

Hello boys! Can I borrow a book?

Their Mums would be so proud.  In a move that takes leading by example to a whole new level, a bunch of garbage collectors from Ankara, Çankaya in Turkey have taken recycling into their own hands and opened a new library to the public, stocked entirely with discarded books. 

The library was originally set up for the garbos and their families as abandoned and discarded books were collected in the course of work from the streets. But the collection grew and as word spread throughout the community, and locals began to donate books that they would have otherwise tossed out.

By late 2017, they had collected over 6,000 books and  housed them in an old brick factory on the Çankaya Sanitation Department grounds so the Çankaya Sanitation Department decided to open the library to the general public. It now boasts a full time librarian and a thriving membership. 

 From originally fearing they would never fill the space, the garbos now find themselves in the position where they have literally outgrown it and now have books out on permanent loan across Turkey to schools and prisons. And there are plans to turn a garbage truck into a mobile library. 

Images: TRT World Screen Grabs

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