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Smarter Washing Machine Strategies

Smarter Washing Machine Strategies

Front load and blow off the soap

Washing machines are increasingly water and energy efficient, having moved from around 150 litres per wash to an average of around 50 litres per wash and while this is an impressive improvement, it is still 15% of the total water usage of a household. 

Following these simple washing tips will also help you bring your energy, costs and water consumption down:

  • Washing clothes in cold water instead of hot water will significantly save on heating costs
  • Wash only when there is a full load so that the machine doesn't have to make up for the capacity gap with extra energy usage
  • Opt for a front loader. They are more expensive up front, but once you have one, front loaders clean better, use less water and are kinder to your clothes.
  • Choose machines with auto-load sensing and automatic temperature control so that the water level and appropriate temperature is maintained without using too much energy.
  • Use soap nuts instead of commercial detergents. They are non allergenic, very effective and much cheaper to use.

If you are in the market for a new washing machine, there is now an incredible amount of information around to inform and guide you to the best size, style and model for you. In Australia, every appliance has to carry an Energy Rating Level. The label informs you of the product’s comparative energy efficiency and the estimated energy consumption. 

Visit This is an excellent site and it will give you the comparative ratings of all machines and you can calculate the cost of use over as many years as you like.

Image: Ryan Jorgensen/Shutterstock

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