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Natural lawn fertilizer

Natural lawn fertilizer

Many people compost organic material to use as fertilizer for their gardens, but what about the lawn?

Most people do not turn over the soil in their lawns in the same way that they do in their gardens an sometimes a lawn can sit there for decades, producing green leaves every year but getting no added nutrients except those present in rainwater.

There are many ways of adding nutrients to the lawn organically, with almost no effort, using the substances you throw away every day. Every day nutrients from scraps can easily feed your lawn.

Take a cup of coffee, for example, with added milk and sugar. Caffeine is a nitrogen-containing chemical. Milk contains protein, which contains more nitrogen. Milk also contains calcium. The sugar does not add much in the way of minerals, but at least the soil can absorb it with no harm. 

Pouring half a cup of cold coffee onto the lawn is far more productive than pouring it down the drain. Indeed, you are not only helping fertilize the lawn, you are also relieving the community’s sewage system from half a cup of waste water.  

Most liquids can be poured directly onto a lawn, where they will quickly trickle down into the soil. Coffee, tea, juice, milk, vegetable oil, soft drinks, beer, syrup and other items will be absorbed very quickly. 

You can also sprinkle powdery or granular substance on the lawn. It will sink down and embed itself between the leaves and roots of the grass, where natural decomposition will absorb it into the soil. You can make use of flour, sugar, coffee grounds, tea leaves, rice, beans, and many other items. Suppose you have some ground cinnamon that is 10 years old and lost its potency? Donating it to your lawn is better than sending it to a landfill. 

The key in all of this is to spread things around. Don’t put everything in one spot and be intelligent about it: 

  • Do not add things that will harm the lawn, such as petroleum products.
  • Some juices can be rather acidic so thin them out.
  • Pour vinegar, such as from the bottom of an empty pickle jar down your drain and help give it a clean.
  • You do not want to attract flies or vermin and this won't happen so long as the soil can absorb the material fairly quickly. Dry soil can absorb liquid more easily than moist soil that is already saturated.
  • Toss anything that smells somewhere away from your house. 

Image: Shutterstock

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Science Notes
If a liquid contains nutrients, you are helping Mother Nature complete her natural cycle of constantly reusing nutrients and enriching your lawn.

Suppose you have milk that has gone sour or month-old juice that has started to ferment in the back of the refrigerator?

From nature's perspective, there is nothing wrong with it. Souring or fermenting simply means that these items have already begun the natural decomposition processes.  

In a natural system, there is no waste, only opportunities for new growth.