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How to Recycle Hair

How to Recycle Hair

The hair that accumulates daily from your brush, comb or drain can be readily placed in your compost bin, Bokashi Bin or Kitchen Organics Bin if you live in Adelaide

Hair can also be buried in your garden as it's slow release properties will add nitrogen to your soil for ages as it slowly breaks down or it can be recycled at many salons.

If you are cutting off your golden locks or dark trestles, there are many potential buyers or charities who will take your hair or Salons who will donate it to a worthy cause, like one of the Sustainable Salons Australia hairdressers. All hair that is cut at a SSA Member salon is recycled or donated to charity wig makers.

Sustainable Salons Australia (SSA) supports a number of hairdressers around Australia. If you get your hair cut at one of their salons, your hair is collected and used to either make a boom bag for oil spill collection or donated to charitable wig makers. (If your salon isn't a member, you might like to suggest they join up. SSA collect and recycle 95% of salon waste.)

Image: Gratisography & Sustainable Salons Australia
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Science Notes

Hair is made of a very tough protein called keratin which is rich in sulphurous amino acids.

The rate the hair decomposes is variable, but you could assume between 2 months and 12 months. 


Related Tip

If you are looking for ways to reduce C02 emissions, give up or limit your hair dryer use

Hair-dryers contribute between 500 and 1300 grams of CO2 an hour to the atmosphere, so dependent upon your use, this is around 25 kilograms of carbon dioxide (C02) every year.