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Homemade Flu Remedies

Homemade Flu Remedies

Flu Remedies that smell divine and are easy to make

Pantry staples for winter include honey, lemon or lime, peppermint, eucalyptus oil and ginger. Homemade Flu Remedies are pretty much foods, herbs and tonics you should be including in your diet for preventative measures, but if you feel yourself coming down with a flu, these allow you to treat and ease a variety of symptoms. Talk to your health practitioner if symptoms persist, but in the meantime, here are some of our favourites:

Lime or Lemon in hot water - Start each day with the juice of one lime or lemon in hot water. Limes and lemons are loaded with Vitamin C and will boost your immune system to stave off infection.

Peppermint Tea – Bring water to a boil, remove from heat and add the desired amount of fresh mint leaves to the boiled water. Allow to sit until it reaches the desired strength. Adding a teaspoon of honey will add sweetness and additional healing properties to the tea. This homemade remedy treats digestive discomfort and headaches.

Ginger Tea – Ginger naturally suppresses persistent coughing and relieves bronchial congestion. Bring water to a boil and add small diced pieces of ginger to the tea. Be aware that ginger has a potent taste and can be powerful so add small pieces at a time. 

Personal Humidifier with Eucalyptus Oil – Create your own winter humidifier by boiling a large pot of water. Remove the pot and place it on a flat surface. Add eucalyptus oil to the water to meet your desired strength. Carefully lean over the steaming water and cover your head with a towel. This will guide the steam directly towards your face. Inhale the eucalyptus scented steam until the steam is no longer strong. This will relieve congestion and open up the air passages. 

Image: Peredniankina/Shutterstock

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