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DIY Recycled Paper Cat Toys

DIY Recycled Paper Cat Toys

Instead of buying manufactured toys for your cat, why not make your own from materials otherwise destined for the bin?

What you will need:

  • Toilet paper card middles, all paper removed 
  • Large thick paper bags
  • Cardboard boxes
  • Old newspaper


Your cat will almost certainly love playing with the toilet paper cardboard rolls, but you can make the game much more fun by hiding a few treat biscuits in the tube and folding down the ends, leaving just a small hole for the biscuits to fall out of as your cat plays.  

Large bags and boxes make excellent cat dens - cats love to hide. Cut paw-sized holes in them so that they can see out and ambush you as you walk past. (And get nasty cat scratch marks on your calves...)

You can also make balls from scrunched up newspaper and throw them for your cat to pounce on.

Alternatively, if all this seems like too much hard work, buy an eco friendly toy from your favourite Animal Products seller or check out your local Op Shop for all kinds of cheap, preloved toys. 

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Science Notes

All these behaviours are linked to cats’ natural hunting instincts; they’ll hide and pounce on their prey, or stalk it before pouncing.  

Then they’ll toss their prey (or toy) between their paws before carrying it off in their mouths. 

Playing with toys helps keep cats exercised in both body and mind, and if you play together you’ll strengthen the bond between you. 

Related Tip

Try experimenting with different textures of paper and different sizes of tube.  Make sure that whatever you use to make your cat’s toys, there’s nothing which might entangle, choke or cut her.